Ultimate Corner Radius Template Set With 'Finger Safe' Jig
$59 USD ⬅️ 10% Off With Code SPRING10
If you've used Crafted Elements products for any length of time, you know that we don't reduce size or weight for the sake of material cost or efficiency. We simply make time-saving tools, templates and jigs to the best of our ability and to the point of being almost over-engineered.
Our line of 'Finger Safe' corner shaping jig sets are no exception. You could get a low cost set of tiny injection molded plastic templates with tabs that need held dangerously close to a sharp router bit to work. You'll save some money but you might be walking around with a missing a digit or two 🫰. The better alternative is our set of 1/4" thick, precision laser cut, oversized radius templates that fit snuggly into our proprietary 'Finger Safe' holder jig. You'll be able to cut and shape perfect radiused corners from 1/8" to 3.0" with precision, confidence and safety. Plus you don't have to tape, glue or mount the template down to your workpiece like most router templates.
Each Crafted Elements corner radius shaping jig set comes with (6) 5.25x5.25x0.25" router templates featuring radii of 1/8", 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", 1", 1.25", 1.5", 1.75", 2.0", 2.25", 2.5", 2.75" and 3.0" plus our innovative 'Finger Safe' template holder. This quirky little plastic marvel holds the template of your choice in place using tensioned walls and positioning posts. The corner alignment walls hug your workpiece as tight as a swaddled newborn, ensuring the template stays in place as it glides along your flush trim router bits bearing. Your hands stay out of the way of the razor sharp router bit as they are busy holding down the template and recess in the template holder.
If you are looking for a simple yet elegant solution to help you put corner radiuses (radii) onto wood projects like cutting boards, charcuterie boards, wall art, plaques, shelving and more, look no further than the Ultimate Corner Radius Template Set from Crafted Elements.
If you really want to geek out on different corner profiles be sure to check out the entire line of "Ultimate Corner Shaping Template Sets" available from Crafted Elements:
- Ultimate Corner Radius Template Set
- Ultimate Corner Cove Template Set
Ultimate Corner Chamfer Template Set
Note: While the 'Finger Safe' template holder jig is shown in blue in the photos, the color you will receive is dependent on the materials currently available in our production facility. As a general rule you can expect black, gray or blue. Each acrylic template is clear but will come with it's protective plastic or paper covering adhered to each side of the template that should be removed before use.